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Passing tests, failing systems

Much of Pakistan’s public discourse remains fixated on the issue of out-of-school children (OOSC) and the challenge of bringing them into the formal system – but what of those who…

Educational divide

WHILE basic education is a constitutional right of every child in Pakistan, millions of children and youth remain deprived of this fundamental means of living a quality life. The recently…

People vs the system

MUCH will be written about the budget’s specifics, but there is something else on my mind this year. This budget marks nearly a quarter century of back-to-back, virtually nonstop IMF programmes that Pakistan…

Resetting the system?

THE move speaks volumes about Prime Minister Imran Khan’s politics of religiosity. The man he has chosen to head the newly established National Rehmatul-lil-Aalameen Authority (NRA), as part of his effort to…

A positive startup ecosystem

The startup ecosystem in Pakistan is at a critical juncture, presenting a unique blend of challenges and opportunities. With a young, tech-savvy population, increasing internet penetration and a growing middle…

Fix the education system

The recent controversy over A-level results in Pakistan has stirred up new thinking on education. While most A-level students who sat for their exams earlier this year are likely to…

Disasters and educational infrastructure – Part I

The frequency and intensity of natural disasters has alarmingly increased in recent years, predominantly due to climate change. Both developed and developing countries have been impacted alike. However, research that…

Restructuring of tax system: a blueprint

“A comprehensive strategy had been formulated to shift the gear and move to higher economic growth. I do not believe in increase in taxes to increase revenue collection but those outside…