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Built to expire

Many of you will relate to what I am about to say: in our house, we still use the old blender and grinder appliance that, according to my mother, was…

Innovative economies

Innovation and entrepreneurship have now become the key drivers of fast-growing world economies. Countries that have realized this and are implementing aggressive strategies for implementation of national innovation and entrepreneurship…

A tale of 2 economies: India and Pakistan

When India and Pakistan became independent states after the Partition in 1947, they inherited a similar economic legacy of underinvestment and neglect from Britain. Their colonial economies were among the…

Size of provincial economies

The 18th Amendment to the Constitution has transferred more functions to the Provincial Governments and empowered them more. The 7th NFC Award gave the major share, 57.5 percent, of the…

Super-economies in the neighbourhood

Now that we, as a nation, have finally come to the logical conclusion that a fail-safe security paradigm flows out of a sound economic template it is imperative that we…

Innovation Driving Economies

Innovation driving economies

The world economic scenario has changed dramatically in the last century, with knowledge replacing natural resources as the major pillar for socio-economic development. The extent of the knowledge gap between…

Meaningful research

The best-known examples of technology-based knowledge economies built through higher education, scientific research and innovation are the Silicon Valley and the Boston’s Technology Corridor, which each contribute more than $275…

Meaningful research

The best-known examples of technology-based knowledge economies built through higher education, scientific research and innovation are the Silicon Valley and the Boston’s Technology Corridor, which each contribute more than $275…