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Leadership and economics

Upon the conclusion of every single overseas visit I am filled with sadness and a deep sense of disillusionment. This is despite a divinely blessed deep reservoir of optimistic attitude…

Economics over politics

It is quite interesting to see how losses in the economy are playing havoc with gains in politics. World politics is passing through a different and difficult phase of bickering…

Serious issues in WB’s doing business report

The World Bank should no longer publish its Doing Business index, owing to its flawed design and vulnerability to manipulation. The Bank also owes the developing world an apology for…

The economics of shortages

Shortages that presage a raise in the price of a commodity have become a way of life in Pakistan – shortage of electricity, shortage of gas in the winter months,…

A geoeconomics-led Indo-Pak détente?

Unless we remove our economy from the bottle in which we had managed to thrust it as we tried to cope with the harsh realities of independence surrounded by a…

Supply issues and difficult oil prices

Oil prices have continued to overall significantly rise since November of last year, on the back of restricted supply of oil agreement by OPEC+ (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,…

Issues in farm economy and related markets

‘Before the coronavirus outbreak, food insecurity was already a severe problem. More than 820 million people – one in every nine – do not have enough to eat. Of these,…

Economics of vaccines

COVID-19 brought the world to its knees. The Covid vaccine has been the most sought-after product. However, as governments around the world rush to vaccinate their citizens, some aspects need…