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Pindi’s Hobbesian nightmare

It isn’t just Rawalpindi now. It is much larger and very simple (which makes it so dangerous – always remember, simple = dangerous). This desire that Pakistan should be well…

Economics over politics

It is quite interesting to see how losses in the economy are playing havoc with gains in politics. World politics is passing through a different and difficult phase of bickering…

Dreams and nightmares

As we rise from a long, dusky slumber and look at ourselves after three quarters of a century, we find ourselves engulfed in multiple crises threatening our very existence today.…

Twists and turns of a political nightmare

The vote of no-confidence against former prime minister Imran Khan earlier in the year was a painful process. After many twists and turns, the vote of no-confidence was ultimately conducted…

Sleepwalking into a nightmare

While the Pakistani press was too occupied with the latest storm unleashed by Imran Khan’s latest controversial comments to give such things much time or space, Bloomberg reported, quoting Planning…

Traffic nightmare

The purpose of holding sports events is to provide entertainment to the public and encourage young people to indulge in physical activities. However, when such activities become a source of…

The American Nightmare

The American nightmare

Deniers like Nikki Haley refuse to admit that mass poverty exists in their prosperous nation. That would reflect poorly on their capitalist beliefs. But if the skeptics would look at…