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Economic model

While it has long been blatantly obvious that the global economic model is not working for all, the rate of accumulation of wealth by a small minority is now breathtaking…

A self-sufficient economic model

It is time to strike a strategic balance between public and economic health for the maximum economic good of masses at large, especially the have-nots. As such, while extreme physical austerity needs to be…

A new economic model

The Covid-19 pandemic posed unprecedented challenges to Pakistan’s economy and exposed the vulnerabilities of the current growth model of Pakistan based on brick and mortar. The Omicron-driven fifth wave has…

A new economic model in the offing?

The economic model that we have been using all these 71 years has failed to deliver. In early decades this model was based on the so-called 'trickle-down' theory propounded by…

The Bangladesh model

IN 2013, the World Bank indicated that Bangladesh could become the ‘next China’. While the bank may have been focusing on the economic and demographic dividends which Bangladesh might have…

Economic renaissance for KP?

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is distinguished by its immense natural potential. Yet like other provinces, it currently faces significant challenges across economic, social, security, and political domains. Amid societal polarization and…

Role modelling values

Children do not follow what you say but what you do. What you value you emulate. Behaviour is the key to values adherence. These are some sayings that are said…

Navigating economic diplomacy-II

Some scholars argue that investment treaties were signed by developing countries not because they expected any substantial benefits or were somehow pressured into signing them by the developed countries, but…