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Economic liberalism

THE economic discourse revolves around IMF programmes in Pakistan, as the country is being administered for the 23rd time. IMF’s prescription for economic stabilisation, steeped in the principles of economic…

Economic renaissance for KP?

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is distinguished by its immense natural potential. Yet like other provinces, it currently faces significant challenges across economic, social, security, and political domains. Amid societal polarization and…

The missing economic manifesto clarity

As Pakistan enters a new election cycle, it is imperative that political parties should come up with not only actionable steps but to indicate very clearly whether the economic philosophy…

Economic policy by the interim govt

Given Pakistan is facing very difficult economic challenge, mainly in the shape of bringing debt sustainability, on one hand, and on the other controlling inflation, while also providing as much…

Huge global economic policy challenges

‘The world is facing numerous extreme, interlinked challenges, including a climate emergency and growing economic inequalities between and within countries. Tackling these problems requires funds to flow in the right direction,…

Global economic crisis and Neoliberalism

‘The global multilateral economic system has been stress tested twice this century. The first time was with the 2008 global economic meltdown; the second – with the COVID-19 pandemic. And…