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Economic impact of war in Ukraine

The world was already seeing a severe onslaught of commodity supply-driven inflationary pressures in the wake of the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine by Russia will likely to exacerbate…

Revisiting economic impact of coronavirus

In an earlier article on the subject carried by the Business Recorder on 30th March we dwelt on the economic impact of the Coronavirus on Pakistan’s economy consequential to the…

Economic impact and relief package

The Coronavirus has already spread to 199 countries. The worst hit countries have been the EU countries, the US, China and Iran. The consequences are that normal economic activity, both…

Economic impact of IMF program

A staff-level agreement has finally been reached with the IMF. A press note was issued from the IMF headquarters on May 12, 2019 confirming the willingness for a three-year Extended…

Economic impact of abolished zero-rating

One of the most detrimental aspects of the federal budget FY20 has been the elimination of SRO 1125 and the imposition of General Sales Tax of 17% on the previously…

China’s Economic Impact

China’s economic impact

China’s economy is being restructured in several different ways. Some of these are visible; some are more difficult to discern. How this happens will have great consequences for the rest…

Impact Of RD: Lessons From Economic History

Impact of RD: Lessons from economic history

With the imposition of regulatory duty on the import of 287 luxury and non-essential items we see unfolding of past economic history but ignore the lessons learnt from it for…

Impact Of Public Admin On Economics

Impact of public admin on economics

Is there any way out of the dilemma that Pakistan finds it self in? It has had a series of public administrative reforms. Ayub tried to weed out the corrupt,…

Economic agenda

The IMF and the World Bank have been pivotal in bailing out Pakistan, given the country's economic challenges and developmental needs in recent years. Historically, Pakistan has entered into 23…