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Defining geo-economics

GEO-ECONOMICS is the buzzword these days among our ruling elite. It is recommended as the panacea for Pakistan’s economic ills and a sure path to prosperity. However, there is little…

Widening Indo-Pak economic divide

This is the final part of a two-part series of articles, highlighting the differences between India and Pakistan’s state of the economy. Cricket, a great if not the only unifier…

Tax bailout for economic revival

According to various Press reports, all businesses in Pakistan, as elsewhere, badly hit by lockdown in the wake of Covid-19 epidemic, are demanding a comprehensive tax bailout claiming that loan…

Economic, political, military strength

National Security Committee (NSC) chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan and attended by civilian and military leadership approved the first-ever National Security Policy (NSP) 2022-26 after a detailed briefing by…

PM And Economic Management

PM and economic management

Prime Minister Imran Khan shows sporadic interest in economic management. One can count on one’s fingertips how many times he has spoken substantively on the subject. Most recently, on the…

The profundity of economic might

The current India-Pakistan standoff should be a wakeup call for everybody. We need to introspect why brotherly Muslim countries (mainly GCC) are not openly criticizing India on bullying Pakistan. Two…