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A heavy burden

WITH its onerous burden on salaried employees and those already taxed disproportionately while leaving out the mighty untouchables or substantially reducing government expenditure, the federal budget is hyped as an…

Some economic advice for the PM

The first thing perhaps that the PM needs to understand is that the over-board monetary austerity – over-emphasis on policy rate to control inflation – is more a cause than…

Export ambitions vs economic realities

While the Government is seeking a 100% increase in exports over the next three years, maintaining even the current level would be miraculous given current economic policies that fail to…

Economic disconnect

As Pakistan’s farmers grapple with the terrible fallout from this year’s crash of domestic wheat prices, the Punjab government’s plan to set up a glass-roof train commuting from Islamabad to…

Navigating economic diplomacy-II

Some scholars argue that investment treaties were signed by developing countries not because they expected any substantial benefits or were somehow pressured into signing them by the developed countries, but…

Navigating economic diplomacy–I

Spiraling electricity bills and the resulting unbearable burden on the ordinary consumers has brought the agreements with the IPPs under renewed focus and the entire blame for the woes of…