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Economy vs ecology

Economy and ecology are interrelated and interdependent terms. Simply put, the economy involves the management of resources, while ecology focuses on the study of the environment. Growth or decline in…

Economy, ecology: giant step forward

The past decade since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been extraordinary in terms of the development of the Party and the country. The…

Politics, Ecology And The Nation-state

Politics, ecology and the nation-state

The postcolonial nation-state, from Africa to Asia, is an artificial geographical division of landmass which has not only divided the people but has also divided their history, culture, livelihood and…

The Seeds Of Agroecology

The seeds of agroecology

The increasingly globalised industrial food system that transnational agribusiness promotes is not feeding the world  and is responsible for some of the planet’s most pressing political, social and environmental crises.…

Informal learning

SHADOW education refers to informal learning. It is meant to supplement formal learning. It is a global trend and has been expanding as more candidates take competitive international, regional, and…

Six canals kerfuffle

Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal has been roundly taken to task for his dismissive attitude to Sindh’s objections to the proposed construction of six new canals on the Indus to water…

The tallest nail

Decades ago, when this scribe was a student of Botany, at the Government College, his ecology professor had noted “they imposed an engineering solution onto a biological/ecological problem”. He was…

Quality learning

BALOCHISTAN has consistently found itself at the bottom of the development pyramid. Most surveys show that the province ranks lowest in education in both access and standard. While the recent…


Punjab as a whole, but especially the provincial capital Lahore, is once again in the grip of what has become a regular (no longer necessarily seasonal) affliction: smog. Normally, the…