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Nature positive

THE Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services was established in 2012 to perform regular and timely assessment of knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services and its contribution to…

Without shelter

EVICTIONS in Karachi are the new norm. Whether it is the widening of a carriageway, the cleaning of a nullah or the clandestine facilitation of real-estate enterprises, the homes of…

Land-use policy

THE media is full of real estate ads offering plots of land, condominiums, apartments, one-unit houses, holiday homes, farmhouses, commercial spaces, etc, in many locations in the country. The use…

Public choices

GOING by talk shows, it seems there is little common ground when it comes to debating politics. However, those that matter in the corridors of politics and power have the…

Love vs greed

THE legal and constitutional aspects regarding the establishment of the Island Development Authority have been discussed convincingly by the Sindh government. But whether the two islands, around which a controversy has been…

Impending disaster

ADDRESSING the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Initiative in Beijing on April 26, Prime Minister Imran Khan identified climate change as a key challenge faced by developing countries,…

The tallest nail

Decades ago, when this scribe was a student of Botany, at the Government College, his ecology professor had noted “they imposed an engineering solution onto a biological/ecological problem”. He was…

Pro-poor reform

THE new set-up must quickly undertake substantial reforms to save our moribund economy and ensure durable economic stability, productive growth, equity and sustainability. The IMF, think tanks, business groups, etc.…

Gated disasters

AS palace intrigue around the person of Shahbaz Gill takes centre stage, the combination of gruelling economic hardship and monsoon rains continue to suck the life out of millions of working people across the…

Blue Pakistan

‘BLUE economy’ refers to sustainable and inclusive water resource management that covers all coastal activities, marine-related industries, and services that could generate revenue and bolster socioeconomic well-being. It also encompasses…