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Springer E-Books

Springer E-Books

For the first time, Springer’s Ebooks are available on perpetual access i.e. fully downloadable. These books cover a wide range of disciplines published during 2005-2007…

The challenge of informality

SPEAKING to an audience in Riyadh earlier this year, Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb labelled the undocumented economy Pakistan’s “biggest challenge”. Given his role, and the associated IMF-coloured pressures that come with it,…

The shadow library

This year served as a reminder for avid book readers about the changing landscape of information accessibility in the digital era. The Internet Archive faced a major setback recently as…

Kurdish oil smuggling to Iran flourishes

Heading for Turkey to the north and Iran to the east, hundreds of oil tankers snake each day from near Kurdistan’s capital Erbil, clogging the Iraqi region’s often winding and…

How the US sees us

Prof Fred Hayward, an eminent US education expert, recently published a book titled ‘Transforming Higher Education in Asia and Africa’. One chapter of this book is devoted to Pakistan, and…

Foreign aid is no panacea

EVERY year brings forth a plethora of books on various topics. As far as economics is concerned, one of the interesting releases of 2023 was Didac Queralt’s Pawned States. Analysing…

HEC: highs and lows

A remarkable book on higher education titled ‘Fostering Institutional Development and Vital Change in Africa and Asia’ was published recently by Fred Hayward (Palgrave Macmillan). Its chapter ‘Pakistan. Top-down Transformation’…

Canada immigration

Bookseller Zulema Diaz fled her native Peru after being kidnapped, beaten and robbed, hoping to find safety in the United States. Instead, she said she experienced homelessness and sexual harassment…

Five days in history

For five long days, we watched with bated breath as five honourable judges of the Supreme Court conducted inquisitorial proceedings on the suo-motu notice they had taken on the government’s…