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Time to end TB

SHE sits before me, a frail woman of 28, pregnant for the fourth time. Her chest X-ray before treatment shows severe lung disease, and further testing reveals she harbours drug-resistant…

Health In Africa

Health in Africa

One of the lessons of the Ebola epidemic is the need to improve the African countries’ public health services, which have suffered the consequences of decades of neglect. Africa needs…

Every day is World TB Day

LAST month, tuberculosis-inflicted countries celebrated World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. In Pakistan, it was observed enthusiastically with seminars, talk shows, awareness walks and press releases. Pakistan has a plethora of infectious…

Every day is World TB Day

LAST month, tuberculosis-inflicted countries celebrated World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. In Pakistan, it was observed enthusiastically with seminars, talk shows, awareness walks and press releases. Pakistan has a plethora of infectious…

Dubious distinctions

PAKISTAN now has not only the fifth largest population in the world but it also bears a very heavy burden of disease. Also, negative determinants of health or risks to…

Man and microbe

THE human body consists of trillions of individually living cells that breathe, fight, attack, die, rejuvenate, and replenish. The human cell is a world in itself, with a nucleus housing…

The forgotten deadly pandemic

Tuberculosis (TB) has been claiming human lives throughout history, starting with records of human deaths dating back to over 9,000 years ago. As its killing spree peaked in most of…

The Unchecked Antibiotic

The unchecked antibiotic

The world’s borders are in flux: mass migration has been brought on by an unrelenting war and a general discontent at one’s existing conditions. These factors – compounded by the…