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The Drug Pricing Policy

The drug pricing policy

The drug pricing policy is on the prime minister’s table for the final approval. Three dimensions of pricing need to be segregated: 1) Initial price setting, either of originator brands…

Remembering Sartaj Aziz

Pakistan has lost one of its most outstanding sons and indefatigable soldiers; the nation just a few days back said goodbye to one of the last surviving soldiers of the…

Floods continue to be ignored by IMF

Finance Minister Miftah Ismail has repeatedly claimed that the harsh conditions agreed on behalf of the hapless people of this country in the sixth/seventh review documents uploaded by the International…

How do we govern disaster

The recent floods in Pakistan are among the worst disasters that have hit Pakistan and its people since 2010. The floods have posed a series of challenges to the country,…

Why did the PTI fail?

IT is a dream gone sour. Here’s why: 1 . Mismanaging the establishment: This was the easiest relationship to nurture because it formed the genesis of the PTI that was…

Covid-19: economic & tax reliefs

Pakistan is facing the brunt of Coronavirus outbreak as the country is in a partial lock down. This has had a negative impact on businesses. Initial estimates show that the…

Ehsaas’ positive contribution

The narrative of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s signature Ehsaas programme, which has subsumed Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), as a reflection of his ideological commitment to the uplift of the…

A presidential system for Pakistan

Like death and taxes, the topic of a presidential system is a certainty in Pakistani discourse. It is hard to disguise one’s contempt for the debate, its backers and those…

When challenges offer opportunities — I

“It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view”— George Eliot, Middlemarch “Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people…

Another one bites the dust

Another wicket is down. Tabish Gauhar is not the first SAPM to go unceremoniously and in an untimely manner. He came with some corporate success in the bag and was…