A hundred days: worth a thousand words
An official front page ad, bearing the solitary caption “We’ve been busy”, asked bewildered readers to “turn the page for Naya Pakistan”. The next page boasted “progress worth a thousand…
An official front page ad, bearing the solitary caption “We’ve been busy”, asked bewildered readers to “turn the page for Naya Pakistan”. The next page boasted “progress worth a thousand…
THE FBR had been publishing its Tax Expenditure Report since 2020. Each report estimates the ‘tax expenditure’, ie, the tax foregone or the revenue loss because of the built-in tax concessions and…
In an analysis of the 7th NFC Award (‘Fiscal realities: A case for NFC reform’, March 20), published on these pages, I showed that provincial governments collect a small fraction…
As of August 2021, net reserves with the SBP stood at $20 billion. Net reserves with the SBP have since fallen to $12 billion. Over the past seven months, the…
The economic problems Pakistan faces right now are similar to what the PTI had faced. In 2019, with low foreign exchange reserves and high deficits, the PTI government had failed…
Extreme concentration of income, wealth and political power in the hands of a tiny male minority is tearing our societies apart, depriving opportunities for the majority, warming up the planet,…
Lately the so-called ‘Mafias’ are being increasingly blamed for almost all the ills that the national economy is currently suffering from. They are being particularly accused of hoarding, black marketing…
It is reasonably evident that the PTI government is attempting to do all it can to help people out of the desperate situation they face, and perhaps also has its…
President Dr Arif Alvi recently attended a reception arranged by one of the country’s leading industrialists in Lahore. Lahore-based prominent industrialists and businessmen attended the reception and showed serious concern…
Usually, entrepreneurs invest their energy, ideas and money to increase the quality of the products they produce, higher knowledge-worker and thereby improve manufacturing process and increase productivity. But at some…