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Domestic workers

ON assuming power after his landslide victory in West Pakistan in the 1970 elections, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto introduced five labour welfare laws and brought in amendments in other laws applicable…

Child domestic workers

CHILD labour is more pronounced in the informal sector compared to the formal sector. In Pakistan, over 12 million children are engaged in labour as cited in an HRCP report.…

How can the law help domestic workers?

Slogans of banning child domestic workers are making headlines once again in public seminars and media, gaining attention of the wider civil society due to two ghastly incidents recently. Rizwana,…

Child domestic workers

CHILD labour is more pronounced in the informal sector compared to the formal sector. In Pakistan, over 12 million children are engaged in labour as cited in an HRCP report.…

Domestic workers

IT is no secret that domestic workers in Pakistan work overtime, are underpaid, and often mistreated. It is also tragic that most who employ domestic workers do not view them…

Torture & Young Domestic Workers

Torture & young domestic workers

They are everywhere and they are nowhere. If you step into a home in an affluent or even almost affluent suburb in Karachi or Lahore or Islamabad or Multan, you…

Stateless workers

OF the 79 miners who have died since Jan 1, 2024, in Pakistan’s deadly coal mines, not a single one was registered with the EOBI. They were all born as…

The value of domestic work

One of the perks of living in Pakistan is often cited to be the cheap labour people can hire for domestic work. Families living in urban centres tend to hire…