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Time to divorce delusion

The induction of a new government that is not equipped with the legitimacy to come up with any medium- or long-term strategy to rid the country of its nagging problems…

Strategic leadership and statecraft ( Part – III )

In Chinese thinking the strategic discourse is more holistic and integrated than segmented just as is the case with its medical, political and philosophical traditions. Chinese history and strategic thinking…

Elite’s divorced from reality

It turns out that a ringside seat to a country plummeting into sovereign default – one of the few perks of an editorial position in a leading daily – is…

Divorced From Reality

Divorced from reality

How does a party that presided over mass rapes and slaughter of Muslim women get away with presenting itself as the champion and protector of Muslim women? Not only is…

The Threat Of Divorce

The threat of divorce

Damocles had his sword; the married women of Pakistan have the threat of divorce. Truth be told, the analogy is not perfectly accurate. The moral of the anecdote of Damocles,…

Failing to get along

It was an empty relationship. She just does not understand. He just does not listen. There were just too many differences. There was too much interference. He was too petty.…

Another February general election

Throughout my life, I have sought to avoid dignifying the indefensible. Attacks on the families of public figures are broadly in this domain – though there can be legitimate exceptions.…

Unseen scars

Children with a fractured or no relationship with their fathers are proven to be 43 per cent less likely to graduate college, 20 per cent more likely to use hard…

GBV is preventable

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global issue that affects individuals across all socio-economic backgrounds throughout the world. GBV covers multiple forms of violence that are perpetuated against an individual or…