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Climate revenue & investments

PAKISTAN’S economic and climate turnaround hinges on the active participation of the private sector. A web of robust partnerships with it can be leveraged to attract both domestic and international…

Essentials for foreign investments

Every investment carries risk, for which rule of law is essentially required. Agreements must be honoured and respected. In case of disagreements a fool-proof resolution mechanism should be available and…

Pakistan must change direction

Pakistan’s persistent failure to develop a strong economy and combat growing poverty stems from incompetent governance accompanied by massive corruption at the highest levels, leading to economic collapse, and bringing…

Protecting Chinese investments

THERE are two critical dialogues taking place between the governments of China and Pakistan. One of them concerns the rescheduling of payables owed to Chinese project sponsors by the government of Pakistan.…

Barrier to foreign investment

THE words “to attract investments from friendly countries in identified sectors through an empowered organisation that serves as a ‘single-window’ platform for facilitation, and to improve the ease of doing…

Perils of direct SBP credit

WHY is direct lending by the State Bank of Pakistan to the government mostly harmful? And why is government borrowing from commercial banks less harmful, despite being a bit more…