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A complicated relationship

The historical relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan has been marked by a series of conflicts and diplomatic tensions despite the two being dominantly Muslim neighbouring countries with thousands of years…

Rekindling relations

After closed-door negotiations from March 6 to March 10 in Beijing, China, a joint trilateral statement by China, Saudi Arabia and Iran announced the rekindling of good neighbourly relations between…

Resetting foreign economic relations : Part I

The 2021 National Security Policy has made geo-economics its main pivot. It is therefore essential to look in a coherent and comprehensive manner how Pakistan’s economic relations with other nations…

India’s diplomatic success

India has established mutually beneficial bilateral and multilateral relations with various countries; it is a member of pertinent alliance systems like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), Quadrilateral…

China-Pakistan relations: new dimensions

On the occasion of the 71st anniversary of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China both the nations deserve congratulations. These two brotherly countries have stood by each other at all…