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Serving digitally

PAKISTAN’s digital landscape is undergoing a seismic shift. From vibrant, swarming urban tech hubs to remote villages buzzing with mobile internet connectivity, a digital revolution is reshaping the nation. Yet,…

The knowledge economy imperative

Knowledge has now become the key factor in determining socio-economic development. The failure of governance in Pakistan is exemplified by a comparison to Singapore. Singapore has hardly any natural resources…

Bridging the digital gender divide

“People say I am a genius. I might be one, but I am not the only one. There are many other Pakistani girls and boys like me. All those gems…

From colonial legacy to digital era

Are the election results of the 2024 election influenced by external forces and fail to accurately reflect the will of the people? Social media platforms are inundated with comments and…

Politics in the digital age

The 10-point manifesto of the PPP is deeply disappointing and outdated in light of the social, economic, scientific, technological, and intellectual advancements of the 21st century. It primarily focuses on…

Digitalized judiciary

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa has a great opportunity to rejuvenate our ailing judicial system and propel it into a dynamic force. This pivotal role can infuse new…

Pakistan in the digital age

The philosophical orientation of Pakistan needs redirection. The 1940 Lahore resolution proposed the possibility of autonomous states for Muslims. Within a mere seven years, the All India Muslim League, propelled…

A questionable digital census

On 5th August, the Council of Common Interests unanimously approved the results of the 7th Population Census of Pakistan, and immediately received a note of thanks from the Pakistan Bureau…