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Democracy And Agitation

Democracy and agitation

As ‘Guardian’ put it recently, “for democracy to function, you need a civically informed electorate and a fourth estate that functions independently of vested interests. Moreover, you need a genuinely…

Life of the Constitution?

AN effort to rush through a constitutional amendment was barely kept at bay, but statements from the ruling regime indicate that another attempt is likely within the next few weeks. As of…

For a progressive Punjab

I am humbled by the trust bestowed upon me by the people of our great province by giving me the mantle of leadership in the Punjab Assembly. With this honour…

Governance & competent states

THE global debate over governance continues — what constitutes good governance and how it helps to determine the fate and fortunes of nations. It is axiomatic that effective governance and…

Religion and Pakistaniat

IT seems that Islam as well as ‘Pakistaniat’ come under threat very often in this country. And to ‘defend’ either, in fact both, it is always appeals to religion, nationalism…

Paradox of our time

IS democracy the panacea for all ills? In my avatar as a lecturer, whenever matters of (mis)governance came up, students blamed the establishment for not allowing democracy to proceed. However,…

Rulebook for rational dialogue

As the speaker of the Punjab Assembly and custodian of the House, I am committed to fostering a culture of reasoned and respectful debate. This is essential for a healthy…

Streamlining the FBR in haste?

We are fast approaching the general elections, scheduled for February 08, 2024. However, the post-election landscape poses daunting politico-economic challenges for the already troubled economy. Concerns about fairness of elections…

New electoral reforms—I

Reforms are a process of improvement whereby political institutions are revitalized for better performance and efficiency. Usually reforms are undertaken after a thorough study and analysis of an existing system…

Civic space, politics and decisions

A civic space that meaningfully engages civil society with policymakers can contribute to improved public policy decisions. This article looks at some of the factors that affect a civic space’s…

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