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Tax culture

Tax-to-GDP ratio in Pakistan is singled out as the principal devil in the fiscal regime of Pakistan and termed as unsustainable. IMF, time and again, highlights it as such and…

Entrepreneurial culture

AN enabling environment for young businesses to grow is crucial in any economy. The last decade or so has seen attempts to bring financing and support to startups in Pakistan.…

Poll verdict slams cancel culture

PAKISTAN’S voters have reprimanded anti-democratic power centres for seeking to ‘cancel’ political opponents. Voters ensured that Imran Khan’s popularity increased in inverse proportion to the reported repression he and his…

Rethinking agriculture for economic revival

In the last many weeks, I have written in these pages to share ideas for addressing the dire challenges faced by our economy. The government of Pakistan has a choice:…

Karachi’s historical culture

THE urban centres of Pakistan are investing heavily in developing real estate but are neglecting the humanistic infrastructure that makes cities livable. The investors of capitalistic pursuits are focusing on…

Political culture

THERE have been many political movements in Pakistan; some of them have also been between two opposing ideologies, such as the Movement for the Restoration of Democracy and the Pakistan…

Deadly culture wars

“I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and the freedom fighter’s gun in the other. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.” — Yasser Arafat,…

Development & culture

THE dictionary meaning of culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”. Keeping this definition in mind, we can conclude that most decisions taken on…

A culture of neglect

THE Sindh government’s culture department recently invited bids to engage ‘experienced’ event managers to help it organise a weeklong centenary celebration of Mohenjo-Daro next month in London and Paris. One…

Rethinking Pakistan’s agriculture

THE climate change-induced rains of last summer left millions of people homeless in many parts of Pakistan. While it is correct to put pressure on the international community to pay…