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Oil: ‘Mother of corruption’ in Venezuela

Corruption in Venezuela’s oil industry is a many-headed monster that has devoured billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money in the past 20 years, experts say. Long the country’s only notable…

Breaking the chain of corruption: Part – II

The late prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, largely eliminated corruption from Singapore and thereby transformed it from a third-world to a first-world country. The following are some Yew…

The corruption challenge

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) issued regulations granting banks access to asset declarations of high-level federal civil servants for purposes of AML/CFT compliance of customer due diligence in February…

Accountability, corruption & HR…

The recent Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (CPI) reveals that corruption levels are standstill and there is no visible change noted for the tenth year in review. It shows that…

Unbundling corruption’

Generally, white collar crimes are difficult to solve. In fact, it becomes almost an insurmountable challenge when one tries to prove these cases beyond a shadow of doubt in a…

Vaccinating against corruption

More than 7,000 participants across the globe spent the week (Nov. 30 to Dec. 5, 2020), virtually listening to 500 anti-corruption experts at the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Seoul,…

Fighting corruption

Transparency International-Pakistan’s National Corruption Perception Survey 2021 identified the police (41.4 percent) and the judiciary (17.4 percent) as the ‘most corruption institutions’ in Pakistan but both fall outside of the…

Corruption — a multi-layered problem

Over the past four years or so, or to be precise, since the publication of the Panama papers in April 2016 corruption has remained the major political pre-occupation in Pakistan.…