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Combating Terrorism

Combating terrorism

Even though a lot has been written on the issue of terrorism, overcoming the menace continues to elude everyone. Unlike territorial wars, ideological wars know no boundaries, and it is…

Role Of Law In Combating Terrorism

Role of law in combating terrorism

In this statement both law and role of law are important elements. Law has many connotations, philosophers have tried to define it in many different ways, and nevertheless it revolves…

Combating The Financing Of Terrorism

Combating the financing of terrorism

Channeling money through 'hound' and avoiding the legitimate financial system is one of the best methods of "whitening" dirty money. In layman's words, money-laundering is conversion of dirty money into…

Combating Financing Of Terrorism – II

Combating financing of terrorism – II

Appraisal of global and domestic initiatives: Since the tragic event of September 11, 2001, the United States and its allies have been engaged in what they call 'war on terror'…

Combating Financing Of Terrorism – I

Combating financing of terrorism – I

"Pakistan has taken steps towards improving its AML/CFT regime, including by issuing an SRO to increase the maximum monetary sanction for non-compliance with S/RES/1267. However, despite Pakistan's high-level political commitment…

Combating Money-laundering And Terrorism Financing

Combating money-laundering and terrorism financing

Money laundering, terrorist financing and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are serious threats to security and the integrity of the financial system. The FATF Standards…

India and transnational terrorism

The Indian government and Indian media have sharply reacted to allegations made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his foreign minister, and the Canadian police chief. The allegations are that…

Waves of terrorism

HISTORICALLY, terrorism has evolved in its aims, forms, frequency, lethality, targets, and operation methods at various intervals. The changes underscore the shifting dynamics of terrorism, driven by global political shifts…

Fighting terrorism

COMPREHENDING the nature of a terrorist threat is essential for countering or physically eliminating it, as well as for preventing its recurrence. A terrorist threat comes from a complex system…