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State vs. citizens

The twists and turns preceding and accompanying the holding of the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement’s (PTM’s) Jirga in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) could not be described as anything but mind boggling. Initially,…

State and citizens

TRUST is the new buzzword in global politics. Western democracies in particular are preoccupied with rebuilding trust between the state and citizens in an effort to repair a post-World War…

Jinnah’s citizens

HISTORIANS have aptly noted that Jinnah kept his notion of Pakistan ambiguous — more promised homeland and less concrete reality, a tactical manoeuvre that ensured its clarion call would appeal…

Minorities as citizens

“ARTICLE 260(3) of the Constitution though declares the Ahmedis/Qadianis as non-Muslims, it neither disowns them as citizens of Pakistan nor deprives them of their entitlement to the fundamental rights guaranteed…

RIU distributes plants among citizens

Riphah International University (RIU) celebrated the Independence Day by distributing free plants among public, at the Zero Point here, says a press release. DG Environment CDA, Nazia Abrar Khan with…

Ordinary Pakistanis are not citizens

It has been an eventful week, with more than its just share of tragedies. While the genocidal Israeli war on the Palestinians continues with ferocious horror, the news of Iranian…

Equal citizens

MANY of us are likely to know someone who travelled to another country to give birth and secure that country’s citizenship for their child. It’s easy if you have the…

What is the lot of citizens?

The storm blowing up in Pakistan after the May 9 violence has not broken just yet. If anything, its severity has gathered speed. Instead of weathering the storm, the ‘most…