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Healthy Children

Healthy children

Dieting, the conscious control or restriction of the diet to lose weight, has a long and colorful history. One of the first dietricians was the English doctor George Cheyne. Because…

A happier childhood for all

How protected, happy and most importantly ‘wholesome’ are all our children’s lives? With an estimated 107, 662, 243 children under the age of 18 in Pakistan (Unicef, 2023) the question…

Women, climate change and health

Climate change has impacted many people worldwide, from Syria and Turkey to Bangladesh, Maldives and Pakistan. Coping with the recent floods has left a lot of the population of Pakistan…

Youth mental health

IT was a couple of years before Covid-19 that I started realising that something was changing quite fundamentally on the mental health front for students who were coming to my…

Child protection

A FEW weeks ago, an 11-year-old girl in Karachi was kidnapped, tortured, raped, and murdered. Her body was discarded in a garbage dump. The Sindh Police responded swiftly, and apprehended…

Women’s health

THE health of women in Pakistan is in jeopardy. We are talking about the health of 120.7 million citizens of the country, ie, 50 per cent of the population, according…

OOP health expenditures

IF health is a human right, then the inability to pay for essential healthcare should not be a barrier. This is why financial protection for healthcare is an integral component…