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Childhood cancer

THE survival of a child who has been diagnosed with cancer depends to a great extent on what kind of health facilities and treatments are available in the country they…

Killing cancer

FIRST, the bad news: not only are more and more people getting cancer, the average age of those developing cancer is also getting lower. That latter fact has been quantified…

Preventing cervical cancer

ACCORDING to the GLOBOCAN cancer statistics for 2020 released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, 5,008 Pakistani women were diagnosed with cervical cancer, while 3,197 succumbed to the…

Cancer With Purpose

Cancer with purpose

Accusation is evidence, trial is by ordeal, and the sentence is always death. This is how it went with Mashal Khan and this is how it has been with the…

Cancer Challenge

Cancer challenge

Breast cancer, once thought to be the disease of affluent and developed world, is equally prevalent in the developing world. Its incidence is increasing at an alarming rate in the…