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On business ethics

Business matters are so complicated and tough that mostly ventures fail to survive. I believe that if someone wants to make money and name through his own business, s/he must…

Is it really ‘none of your business’?

‘Mind your own business’. ‘What is personal is not professional’. ‘Do not mix business with pleasure’. These are some of the wise comments that we have heard over a period…

Need for ethical business conduct

Recently, the Pakistan’s economic environment has been tainted by the shadows of unethical practices, raising worries about the ethical conduct of some Pakistani businessmen. While it is important to recognize…

2024—Business winds and waves

Goodbye 2023. A year that was tentative, testing and turbulent. The world became more uncertain and businesses more uncomfortable. Economies faced the dual challenge of inflation and recession. Political economy…

No more business as usual—II

Known solutions to our problems start with merit-based governance and justice system adhering to our Constitution. Structural changes need to be made to existing layers of governance of local governments,…

Organisational ethics

MANY organisations include ‘ethics’ in their vision and mission statements and policies without truly understanding what it means to be an ethical organisation. Outside a few countries in the West,…

Unfinished Business

Unfinished business

Was the struggle to gain independence from colonialism meant to open up opportunities denied to people by dismantling the colonial structure and its underlying medieval culture? Or was it merely…

A Question Of Media Ethics

A question of media ethics

Freedom of expression and the media’s freedom are usually considered interchangeable. They are often misconstrued to mean that no curbs can be imposed on the fourth pillar of the state.…

Media Ethics

Media ethics

When young Bisma died in a traffic jam en route to Civil Hospital in Karachi last December, there was a media frenzy. To onlookers it looked like frenzy, devoid of…