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Iron man Elon Musk places his Tesla battery bets

As Tesla’s profits and prices grabbed headlines last week, a potentially pivotal development for the global car industry flew largely under the radar. The US electric pioneer disclosed that nearly…

The next frontier in cyber security

The newer quantum computers differ from traditional computers as they operate on qubits, the basic units of information in quantum computing that can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This property…

Connect the region

Modern economic theorists emphasize the promotion of trade corridors through regional economic integration. Both inter-regional and intra-regional trade corridors are crucial for progress and development. Regional connectivity is vital for…

Amazing science

In 2020, the Nobel Prize in chemistry was jointly awarded to two women – Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A Doudna – for their work on CRISPR-Cas9, a method to edit…

On Electric Cars And War Clouds

On electric cars and war clouds

There have been two major developments over the past month that are worth highlighting. Tesla, the electric carmaker, created history by surpassing the market value of the US motor giant…

Innovation Driving Economies

Innovation driving economies

The world economic scenario has changed dramatically in the last century, with knowledge replacing natural resources as the major pillar for socio-economic development. The extent of the knowledge gap between…

The Duck Curve challenge

As the world embraces the era of energy transition, Pakistan stands at a critical juncture where adopting a Just Energy Transition mechanism is not just a choice but an imperative…

Zooming in on China

One of the most important factors and common denominators behind the success of great empires was the level of preparedness and willingness to struggle to achieve national goals. The same…