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The great Biden robbery

The richest country in the world is stealing from the poorest country in the world and giving the money to its own people. These were the words of the Chinese…

Recurring bank robberies in Karachi

That the law and order situation in Karachi needs attention is a fact. On Tuesday, for example, a branch manager was shot dead in a bank robbery at the busy…

Unsafe In A Bank

Unsafe in a bank

It referred more to secure investment than material goods, but the term used to be ‘safe as houses’. That hasn’t been the case for many years now in urban Pakistan.…

When Printing Notes Is Robbery

When printing notes is robbery

We all grumble about robberies that take place in our lives and wonder why the government is unable to take effective measures to stop them. That is a legitimate complaint…

Victim protection

CRISES, crime and tragedy traumatise the people. Trauma not only directly affects the actual victims but also those who witness the cause of their distress. Such victims, especially the victims…

Yadav And The ICJ

Yadav and the ICJ

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its shoes on”. The saying goes something like that – though different versions are attributed…

A Window Of Opportunity

A window of opportunity

The TTP has been insisting till very recently that it represents all the groups committing terror in Pakistan. Only when the terrorist acts continued unabated after the negotiations started that…