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ANP And The Ghosts Of Mashal And Bacha Khan

ANP and the ghosts of Mashal and Bacha Khan

A war can result in many consequences. Perhaps no result can be more dreadful than turning into a mirror image of your own enemy. According to Michael Prescot: “When you…

Bacha Khan’s Resistance

Bacha Khan’s resistance

I have been writing in my column for these pages about different modes of resistance to the British Raj in India. Among these was a unique movement launched by Abdul…

The new higher-ed reality

A few days ago, pharmacy students at Bacha Khan University Charsadda (BKUC) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa protested that, even after years, their programme has not been registered and accredited by the…

Peshawar’s last sentinel

The grand old man of Peshawar, Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, recently announced his retirement from parliamentary politics. At 84, Haji Bilour is the oldest surviving member of the Bilour family,…

Scapegoating the refugee

HERDED like cattle, over 1,700,000 Muslim refugees — more than twice the number of Palestinians evicted in 1948 by Zionist Israel — are presently being expelled from the Islamic Republic…

Godspeed Afghans

THERE is no getting away from them. Love them, do not love them, cannot ignore them? From the attacks across the Khyber Pass by the marauders of yore, to Bacha…

Our popular leaders

POPULAR leaders with non-elite roots, pro-poor agendas and origins in institutionalised grassroots political movements often deliver equitable and democratic progress. Non-elite roots obviously aid such agendas while a rise through…

Is the PTI a political party?

THE vicious vengeance directed against leaders and supporters of the PTI is a clear sign that the ruling parties in power have given up on even the pretence of democratic…

Teaching history

“ONE reason so many adults become fanatics is that, as children, they are taught a history distorted by parochial obsession.” This is not an observation made by our Prof K.K.…