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Boiling point

ANOTHER heatwave, another slew of alarming headlines. We are better prepared than we were in 2015, when over 2,500 people lost their lives to soaring temperatures. Public awareness has improved,…

‘Global boiling’

THIS year’s Haj turned tragic as over 1,300 pilgrims succumbed to soaring temperatures, which reached a blistering 51.8 degrees Celsius. This calamity marks a new chapter in the saga of…

Era of global boiling

The UN secretary-general recently spoke on the tragedies of climate change at the UN headquarters, warning that the Earth is now past the age of global warming and that we…

BoI’s grand plan

It has been reported that the Board of Investment (BoI) is aiming to increase Pakistan's FDI to $ 250 billion by 2025 and is developing a long-term strategy to maximize…

BoI’s grand plan

It has been reported that the Board of Investment (BoI) is aiming to increase Pakistan's FDI to $ 250 billion by 2025 and is developing a long-term strategy to maximize…

Gloomy prognosis

WHEN I first started working as a journalist, my senior colleagues and field-hardened editors introduced me to the concept of the release valve. I was often surprised that we were…

Reimagining our foreign policy

The world is undergoing rapid transformation, with emerging alliances and a shift towards a multipolar world order. These changes are evident on both regional and international scales. The ongoing conflict…

A tweak for the ages

DURING the lawyers movement, Pakistan’s judges came together to preserve their integrity and that of the judicial set-up they were serving. It was a struggle for an independent judiciary based on the…

Does the algorithm need a chaperone?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) rightfully occupies the spotlight in discussions on modern thought and thought processes. Such centre-stage treatment leads to a duplication of boilerplate information so I will try not…