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Auto industry

Pakistan’s automobile industry is stunted and dysfunctional. Customers must “book” a vehicle and wait upwards of three months to take delivery of a low-quality, low-spec vehicle. They pay the final…

Taxing the auto industry

Economists of the 20th century believe that a thriving industrial sector is crucial to the development of a modern economy. In 2010, Cambridge economist Ha-Joon Chang observed that development without…

Auto industry: the deletion programme

The automotive industry in Pakistan is one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. It provides job opportunities and contributes to the growth of vendor industry. With a growing middle class and availability of…

In defense of fertilizer industry

Despite its contributions to the national economy and the country’s agriculture sector at large, the fertilizer industry in Pakistan often finds itself at the receiving end of criticism. The fertilizer…

The Automobile Policy

The automobile policy

When the PML-N government came to power in 2013 it was felt by many that the automobile market in Pakistan left much to be desired. Many consumers believed that they…

Role Of Local Tractor Industry

Role of local tractor industry

Agriculture is the back bone of Pakistan's economy as it contributes 19.2 percent to GDP, employs 42 percent of the country's labour force, provides food security and raw material to…

Perfect storm?

SOME economists and other commentators have been arguing that the economic/financial crisis that we are facing, though serious, is relatively easy to fix. All we have to do is to…

Are more judges the answer?

The 1950s were a golden era for the American automobile industry. The advent of new technologies, the maturation of mass production techniques and an increase in consumer purchasing power catapulted…