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Why Pakistan fails in space

THANKS to a legion of excellent scientists and engineers trained in Indian universities, India is shooting for the stars. Here ‘stars’ is a metaphor for much else: astrophysics, computers, chemical…

Keep Going

Keep going

The evidence that human-caused global heating is dangerously disrupting Earth systems is unequivocal, and it no longer takes a scientist to see this. Denying this reality puts billions of lives…

Where is academia?

WHEN was the last time you heard someone or the other saying that education is our only hope. In the last twenty four hours would be a safe bet, if…

Science of things

Apparently, according to the laws of physics, inventing a time machine is impossible because it violates something called a casualty law; there goes my plans of making a fortune vis-à-vis…

Faith And Folly

Faith and folly

Curious to a fault, I follow scientific developments and discoveries with interest. In particular, recent advances in astrophysics and quantum phenomena fascinate me. These inquiries into the birth of the…