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Selecting the army chief

PREDICTABLY, Imran Khan’s latest remarks on the issue of the appointment of the new army chief have provoked an intense reaction from both the political and military leadership. His comments that the…

Selecting the army chief

PREDICTABLY, Imran Khan’s latest remarks on the issue of the appointment of the new army chief have provoked an intense reaction from both the political and military leadership. His comments…

A letter to the Pakistan Army

Dear Sirs, it is with a rising sense of foreboding that I write to you regarding the ongoing predicament in Pakistan. I ask you this: why should I pay a…

Pakistan Army – the paradigm shift

The Pakistan Army has faced many crises since 1947 because of some of its own dynamics; others were forced or imposed upon it because of international dynamics. We live in…

Army of bullies

THE women who were targeted were shocked when they found out. Last week, over 80 Indian Muslim women discovered that they had been put up for ‘sale’ on a hosting platform called…