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New ‘arms race’

In an unprecedented move, Ceska Narodni Banka, the Czech Republic's central bank, has become the first to allocate five per cent of its reserves to Bitcoin. This seismic shift has…

Year of travel in the US

OVER the last year, I drove 30,000 miles exploring the western half of the US, staying in the extreme wilderness as well as glamorous cities, travelling on secondary roads rather…

Why Pakistan faltered

As a child, I often wondered why Pakistan was so different from the developed world. On trips abroad, I was struck by how vastly different our country seemed from the…

Trump’s economic nationalism

Right-wing populist Donald Trump’s decisive victory in the 2024 US presidential election is expected to fuel a resurgence of economic nationalism in the US. The 21st century has witnessed a…

Paper tiger?

I WAS a graduate student during the 2016 presidential elections where I learned a lot about American media’s coverage of elections. We don’t generally make newspaper endorsements in Pakistan but…


HAVE you ever made a decision knowing that it’s a mistake but you go against better judgement, in the hope you’ll be proven wrong? This is how I felt when…

Revenge of the Trumpists

TRUMP-endorsed candidates at all levels of government are likely to score convincing victories in the upcoming US midterm elections on Nov 8. Thou­­gh their prospects were seriously underestimated and even…

Struggle for steel continues

Steel is the basic building block of development. It was due to the influential import lobbies that Pakistan lagged in this vital area. In Kalabagh the largest Iron Ore reserves…