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Reforming agricultural sector

Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy. Unfortunately, for long it has been neglected by successive governments. This could not build up the resilience needed in this sector, for sustainably…

Private sector engagement

PAKISTAN’S battle against climate change cannot be fought without support from the private sector. The private sector and the government in Pakistan have dramatically different ways of working. Yet, they,…

Sectoral growth patterns in FY2023-24

The latest Pakistan Economic Survey for 2023-24, released in June, contains a comprehensive set of estimates on the multifarious features of the economy of Pakistan. This potentially makes it possible…

Will the power sector ever deliver?—II

After explaining the issues with policy and plan, governance and management of the PSCEs, it is important to explain about the operational management — especially of the Discos, which is…

Agricultural land consolidation

Agricultural land consolidation is a land management procedure which entails restructuring, reorganization or redistribution of land holdings by reducing number of plots or parcels to create larger, more efficient, and…

Exports collapsing under power sector burden

The fundamental premise upon which the foundations of modern-day economics stand is that resources are finite and therefore must be allocated to their most productive use. However, our policymakers’ erroneous…

Reviving agricultural growth: Part – VI

Pakistan will have to develop a unified market linking the farms to retail outlets covering the full supply chain particularly in high-value commodities. Corporate investment and competition in on-farm storage,…

Reviving agricultural growth: Part – V

Mechanization, technology and advisory services: one of the major constraints facing small holders is the lack of resources and knowledge about modern practices to adapt techniques of production using mechanization.…

Reviving agricultural growth: Part – IV

Import substitution and export promotion: agro-based exports (food, textile, leather groups) fetch 75-80 per cent of total earnings but the direct exports of agricultural commodities are limited to only $5…

Reviving agricultural growth: Part – III

At present, the canal irrigation management system recovers only a quarter of its repair and maintenance costs. In the 1970s, the entire cost was recovered by these water charges called…