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Administrative federalism

The term ‘federalism’, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, refers to an arrangement among various levels of government for the implementation of policies through negotiations and coordination while still maintaining central integrity.…

The PML-N And ‘South Punjab’

The PML-N and ‘South Punjab’

The PML-N is at its generous best and this time round its generosity is not focused on its beloved city of Lahore or GT Road where the PML-N’s Pakistan begins…

PTI’s ‘first 100-day’ agenda: welcome shift

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) last Sunday presented the first 100-day of its government. PTI appears to have cashed in on growing public frustration against both PML-N and PPP. There are…

More Provinces?

More provinces?

Demands for new provinces have increa­sed recently. New provinces could be crafted administratively or ethnically. Since ethnic politics makes Pakistani power-wielders uncomfortable, ethnicities often justify their provincial demands on administrative…

Punjab’s ring of waste

Consumption patterns of a growing population in the context of a high urbanisation rate are contributing to an increase in solid waste generation in Punjab. The situation is no different…

One step forward,two steps back

As we stand at the threshold of 2025, Pakistan faces a moment of reckoning – a year shaped by the successes and struggles of the past. The contradictions of 2024…

Student unions

A RECENT news item regarding the restoration of student unions did not receive as much time, space, and attention in the media as it deserved. This issue of importance impacts…

Countering terror — beyond labels

During the past few weeks, terrorists affiliated with the TTP), Al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISKP) have been referred to by Pakistani authorities as Khawarij. This term,…