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Who killed Mashal Khan?

What was killed in the form of the bodily existence of Mashal Khan was liberal and progressive thinking and 21st century global thinking. But, who killed him: the one who…

ANP And The Ghosts Of Mashal And Bacha Khan

ANP and the ghosts of Mashal and Bacha Khan

A war can result in many consequences. Perhaps no result can be more dreadful than turning into a mirror image of your own enemy. According to Michael Prescot: “When you…

Who killed Mashal Khan?

What was killed in the form of the bodily existence of Mashal Khan was liberal and progressive thinking and 21st century global thinking. But, who killed him: the one who…

Owning Mashal Khan

Owning Mashal Khan

The mob murder of a student at a public university campus in Mardan on April 13, 2017 hit home through videos and photos of the gruesome act. In the ensuing…

Peshawar’s last sentinel

The grand old man of Peshawar, Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, recently announced his retirement from parliamentary politics. At 84, Haji Bilour is the oldest surviving member of the Bilour family,…

Where’s Pakistan in the rankings?

The Times Higher Education (THE) released the highly anticipated World University Rankings on October 9, 2024, after evaluating approximately 2,857 universities from 115 countries. THE and QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) are…

We need unions

THE ticking time bomb that is Pakistan’s young and increasingly rudderless population is begging for our attention. This was underlined in sensational and violent fashion this past week at the…

Teaching history

“ONE reason so many adults become fanatics is that, as children, they are taught a history distorted by parochial obsession.” This is not an observation made by our Prof K.K.…

What is the left and the right? ( Part – II)

In the 1950s, China and the Soviet Union developed some differences after the death of Stalin who passed away in March 1953. During his lifetime, Stalin remained the undisputed leader…