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Discontent in AJK

Last week, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) witnessed an unprecedented wave of protests led by local traders and activists. This movement forced the authorities to retreat from a proposed legislation…

AJK and GB movements

AMID a grave economic crisis and the recent Dubai leaks embarrassment, the situation in what people generally believe are ‘peripheral’ areas of Pakistan has drawn the attention of the authorities. Be it…

What’s happening in AJK?

In Azad Jammu and Kashmir, a longstanding disconnect finally boiled over into a region-wide upheaval a few days ago, as violent protests erupted, claiming the lives of one police officer…

The AJK curtain-raiser

I fear the recent unrest in AJK was not an isolated affair, nor does the delayed Rs35bn sweetener mean the end of it. In fact, this was just a curtain-raiser,…

AJK: what next?

Against all odds, the three-phase local government elections have been conducted successfully in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. All political and religious parties participated in the elections enthusiastically, running intensive door-to-door…

India’s intentions for AJK and GB

Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh made a bizarre statement recently in Srinagar regarding Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan, saying that India’s northward journey of development would be complete after…

Enhancing AJK’s potential

US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome’s visit to Azad Jammu and Kashmir attracted major national and international attention as no other US ambassador had visited AJK over the last six…

Challenges in AJK

The year 2021 has been a significant one in terms of politics for Azad Jammu and Kashmir due to the general elections and the consequent political transition. The PTI has…