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Undoing of PTI legal eagles

THE recent humiliation suffered by the PTI government in the courts has led some observers to ask if the legal eagles of the present era lack the genius of the…

Rising Dragon, Wounded Eagle

Rising dragon, wounded eagle

When China’s former vice premier, Qian Qichen, was asked 20 years ago about the future of Sino-US relations, he reportedly responded: “They [Sino-US relations] will never be as good as…

The Flagless National Flag Carrier

The flagless national flag carrier

One of the things we expect a PML-N government to be able to do much better than a PPP government is manage corporations. PIA is a high-profile, low-hanging fruit. Its…

Regressive decision

AS I write this, 170 million Americans are wondering whether their TikTok apps will go dark, with many scrambling to retain access through VPNs. It is easy to dismiss news…

Peanut gallery

PAKISTAN’S military dictator, Ziaul Haq, rejected $400 million in American aid in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan as ‘peanuts’. It was a not-so-subtle dig at then-US president…

A Safari in Karachi

There is an alarming increase in the number of some species of animals that dominate the landscape in Karachi. This includes both the flying types and those that grace the…

Choked by politics

IT is becoming harder and harder to find something new to write about as far as politics in Pakistan is concerned. The country is stuck in a time warp and…

Aspiring dreamers

AMONG the various things that lately have not gone Imran Khan’s way was his predictable elimination from the list of candidates for the post of Oxford University chancellor. The absurdity…

A woman’s story

MAHWISH works at Dawn News in Islamabad. She stands out in a large room full of people, not because she is a woman surrounded by men but because she doesn’t…