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German Greens in doldrums over bitter compromises

When Germany’s ecologist Greens hold a mini-party congress Saturday, members of the junior coalition party are expected to vent their fury over tradeoffs that have sent the party’s popularity plunging.…

Global energy security

Not since World War II has the threat to global energy security been as severe as it is today. Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine and the consequent geo-economic war between…

Angela Merkel to take last bow on EU stage

Germany’s Angela Merkel heads into what is expected to be her last EU summit Thursday, with admiration from her fellow leaders after 16 years in power tempered by a sober…

India’s nuclear recklessness – Part I

Within one month two stories of illegal possession and sale of uranium being caught by Indian police have surfaced. Of course, any attempt to smuggle radioactive material must be a…

Enabler of a dirty bomb

The justification George W Bush gave for the 2003 Iraq invasion was an accusation of Saddam’s ramping up Iraq’s nuclear programme and possession of WMDs. These criminally false claims were…

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