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The new abnormal

Some universities around the globe had put in place strategic plans to capitalise on ICT and make a gradual shift to online education prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Back then,…

Paradoxes Of An ‘abnormal State’

Paradoxes of an ‘abnormal state’

Pakistan is not a ‘normal country’ due to its paradoxes and fault-lines, particularly when an impression to this effect comes from defenders of our frontiers, at a time when everything…

Normalising Abnormalities

Normalising abnormalities

This Tuesday, we saw three breakthroughs on very pivotal issues. First, the Senate passed the 24thAmendment bill on the re-demarcation of constituencies on the basis of a fresh population census…

Economic Strategy In Abnormal Times

Economic strategy in abnormal times

These are abnormal times. How else should one describe the confluence of several crises re-enforcing each other and generating an acute crisis of state and society. The insurgency in the…

Life for reel or real?

Too long. Too boring. Too dragging. It is a world which believes in zero waiting time. It is a generation that has zilch patience. Everything has to be as of…

A tweak for the ages

DURING the lawyers movement, Pakistan’s judges came together to preserve their integrity and that of the judicial set-up they were serving. It was a struggle for an independent judiciary based on the…

One hundred years of quantum wonders

The year 1925 marks a pivotal moment in science, heralding the birth of quantum mechanics – a field that delves into the fundamental behaviour of matter and energy. Werner Heisenberg’s…

AI in action

Artificial intelligence has grown to be at the forefront in the previous years and is expected to take centre stage in 2025 and beyond. It is revolutionizing industries, creativity, and…