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Sectoral growth patterns in FY2023-24

The latest Pakistan Economic Survey for 2023-24, released in June, contains a comprehensive set of estimates on the multifarious features of the economy of Pakistan. This potentially makes it possible…

Budgetary outcome in 2023-24

The statistics on the outcome of fiscal operations by the federal and provincial governments in 2023-24 were released recently by the federal ministry of finance. The overall outcome indicates a…

Uncertain budgetary outcome in 2023-24

The outcome numbers on the fiscal operations for the first three quarters of 2023-24 have been released recently by the Federal Ministry of Finance. The annual budget deficit agreed with…

SBP projections for 2023-24

The Annual Report for 2022-23 on the State of the Economy by the SBP has been released recently. Along with a detailed review of developments on various fronts of the…

Mixed start of FY2023-24

The current financial year, 2023-24, started on a very positive note. The talks with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) were finally successful and Pakistan was given the Stand-By Facility of…

Budget 2023-24: more business as usual

Budget 2023-24 can be celebrated for its bravado or mourned for its lack of seriousness. The economy is in deep trouble; with the Economic Survey 2022-23 depicting recessionary conditions. Every…

Budget 2023-24

The provisional data issued by the National Accounts Committee portray a bleak picture of the economy where real GDP has registered a sluggish rate of 0.29% in the current fiscal…

The economy in FY2023-24

The economic prospects for Pakistan in 2023-24 have been presented in the Annual Plan prepared by the Planning Commission. This Plan has been approved by the National Economic Council, chaired…

Budget 2023-24: the IMF factor – Part II

Pakistan is rather lucky to have the support of friendly countries that have extended financial assistance to the country. Besides Saudi Arabia and the UAE, China has also allowed the…